Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Seriously, it is time to take back the core of what we’ve allowed to be stripped from us (well, no not everything exactly but) our modesty. The lines are now so undefined that our young people don’t realize there is a line and don’t know how to judge for themselves what is tolerable and what is blatant abuse.

There is an increased report of violent juvenile crime, teen pregnancy and suicide, which have caused many crisis in our nation. While not all of these social concerns are moral in nature, and most have complex origins, there is a growing trend towards linking the solutions to these and related social problems to the teaching of moral and social values amongst the teens. However, considerations of the role schools can and should play in the moral development of youth are themselves the subject of controversy.

Modesty is the quality of a person’s being that is demonstrated or shown by his/her moderate and unassuming style of dress and behaviour. Modesty is commonly associated with how a person dresses, particularly that of women or girls, but it is a broader virtue of one’s personality. It is similar to humility as it is expressed in one’s behaviour. In respect to how a person dresses, it indicates, for the most part, that such a person does not display his or her body in a way that excessively emphasizes his or her sexual attributes.

Standards for modesty in one’s style of dressing and wardrobe as well as one’s behaviour, particularly in public, are commonly set by the culture in which a person is raised. Ethnic, racial, religious, national traditions, and customs regarding these matters of public dress and behaviour are usually well established, and they are generally taught and demonstrated by the older generations to the younger generations.

But some of these styles of dress and behaviour are changing in the world 2day, particularly in large cities where people from various culture and ethnic and racial groups mix together in public. Ranging from cleavage exposure, naughty clothes that show every ripple and rolling wave, underwear showing, and many other immoral ways of dressing that encourage promiscuity.

Since modesty is a part of an individual’s personality, it is a virtue. If consistently expressed in one’s style of dress and behaviour, it can bring significant benefits to an individual and vice-versa. Modesty can re-enforce one’s reputation for humility and respectful behaviour. When one demonstrates a high level of personal self-respect by one’s modes way of dressing and behaving, you will probably also earn a high level of respect from others. If you are genuinely committed to modesty, this makes you move closer to God and earn God’s favour.

My plea to you is to live in accord with the virtue of modesty. A modest attitude in your style of living may not make you popular but earn you a life worth living as you don’t want to engage in vulnerable acts that leads to a vulnerable life such as contacting HIV virus that leads to AIDS (a serious, often fatal, disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact, sharp objects or contaminated needles).


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