Friday, September 26, 2008


Your friends go a long way in determining how your life goes, because they wield a lot of influence over your life. Our friends influence the way we think, talk or act. So you should choose friends that would better your life, because they can make or mar you.

Watch out for friends who are always quick to set unreasonable standards for you, avoid them like a plague and keep moving. Make friends with enthusiastic and optimistic fellow who would encourage you to be your good self and would sincerely correct you where need be. Friends that will help you achieve your dreams and hopes, always be there when needed and ready to stand for you when required, as you would like to be kind to them too.

That I have been able to see further, I am sitting on the shoulders of giants.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What leaves your hand does not leave your life. So, the victory we need is the ability to conquer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Friend is love with understanding
Family made us siblings
Destiny made us friends
A friend remembers the need to share
Finds a time to listen
Friends are of two types;
The ones you share your time with, and
The ones you share your heart with
True friends are kind to each other’s hope
They cherish each other’s dreams
Friendship is a living thing that lasts
Only as long as it is nourished in empathy, understanding and kindness
A fruitful friendship is the most fragrant blossom in life’s garden
The way is never too far to a friend’s home
A true friend is one who comes to your house and makes you feel at home
Having a true friend makes you a happy person
Spouse makes the very best of friend- if rightly chosen
So pay the price and get the prize of a true friendship.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today's Word:
Look backwards with gratitude, upwards with confidence and forward with hope.


I hope you are having a good time out there and do you know….

That there is a bank that credits your account each day with #86,400;
And carries over no balance for the next;
At every end of the day deletes whatever balance you failed to use.

That everyone has such a bank;
The bank allows you to invest all you have for good purpose;
As it writes off as lost any unused balance everyday and gives no room for overdraft.

That if you fail to use the day’s deposit, the loss is yours;
As it opens a new account for you each day;
And burns the remaining balance every night.

That you must live the present on today’s deposit;
Invest it so as to get utmost health, happiness and success in return;
As there is no going back.

The bank is TIME
To realize the value of a year, ask a final year student who failed a course in his final examination.
To realize the value of a month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of a week, ask a presenter of a weekly programme.
To realize the value of a day, ask a media reporter.
To realize the value of a minute, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of a second, ask an athlete who won a silver medal in the Olympic.

Do you know that the time you don’t respect is the one you waste?

Treasure every moment you have;
Remember that time waits for no one;
Yesterday is history;
Tomorrow is mystery;
Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.


Friday, September 12, 2008

THE EDUCATION OF WOMEN – A National Priority in a Developing Nation.

Everyone needs a well-grounded education, no matter what you end up doing in life. Education, according to the Chambers Dictionary means ‘bringing up or training’. Education stimulates the mind, thereby increasing awareness on political, social and economical matters, just to mention a few. It makes one to know that there is more to the world than just ones’ own backyard. And it also allows for contribution towards the betterment of the society.

A developing country/nation is a country/nation which has a relatively low standard of living, an underdeveloped industrial base, a low per capita income but in a phase of economic development. A state which is neither a developed country nor failed country but in a transitional stage.

In a developing country like Nigeria, education is very essential to all and sundry and most importantly to women for reasons that are pertinent to the growth of Nigeria.

To start with the primary function of a woman in her home, and in contemporary African settings, she is the second in command in any home, she performs so many functions such as taking care of the children, assisting her husband when/where necessary, taking good care of the house, just to mention a few.

A woman who is saddled with all the above-mentioned responsibilities needs to have an expanded mind and the ability to think logically. For example, an uneducated woman will find it difficult to read and her knowledge will not help the children in case they (the children) need help on their homework(s). Being educated, she will know how best to be a good wife and mother from what she has learnt. Humans don’t rely on instincts like animals do, we have to learn things. An educated woman is able to teach her child things even before going to school which will stimulate the child’s ability to be optimistic such that he/she wants to contribute to the growth and betterment of the community he/she finds himself/herself as a result of the upbringing by his/her mother, especially, and to forge ahead in the pursuance of his/her future objectives. So therefore, it is how well a woman is able to impact good behaviour into her child that determines the kind of product the child will be.

Also, women must have good knowledge in several areas of life to be able to take care of all the household business with confidence and in areas where her knowledge of education will be of valuable assistance in administering the home front, such as knowledge about nutrition, hygiene, just to mention a few. She needs nutritional knowledge to be able to feed her family well and rightly. She needs a good knowledge of hygiene to take the right approach/decision when they (the family) are ill.

Furthermore, she can use what she has learnt as a conversational aide with her husband, as education should be a lifetime experience and not limited to the youth years alone. As a result, she can talk professionally and earn a good job so as to compete with the male counterparts in the society she belongs and also to attain high standard such that she is not looked down on, as women is seen as just a person that is job is mainly in her husband’s kitchen. Being educated allows a woman to take active participation in the leadership role of her society.

Be that as it may, I cannot say that education will ever make a woman a good mother, but I believe that it is something that is inside of her, psychologically and or spiritually or rather how she perceived her role as a mother. To commend my words with examples of two different women of different views in Nigeria, it is imperative to note that Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, who was the former Minster of Finance and Mrs. Patricia Etteh, the recently impeached Speaker of the House of Representatives, viewed their role in office differently and acted differently while in office, which has helped described their personality.

In conclusion, all these put together describe why the education of women should be a national priority in a developing nation like Nigeria, as women play a vital role, based on their quality, in the success of a society as home is a part of a society.

Monday, September 8, 2008


You may wonder why it is necessary to find purpose in life when you are young, a young girl who drifts along letting things happen to her with no plan or purpose will become an old woman with the same failures. A person without a plan will be prey to destructive influences, but one who follows a time-worn path of success will avoid many pitfalls that are common to young ladies. Decide early if you want to have victory in your life and begin the steps to success.

God has put adults in our life (parents, grandparents, religious leaders and other leaders) for a reason. These people are not just doddering old folks or biological parents. They can actually warn you about things they have seen and experiences they have had, which can save you a lot of trouble. There is an old saying worth repeating, “Learn from the mistakes of others”. Other young people do not have the wisdom or understanding necessary to be good role models for you, though you can learn some good things from some of them. Associate with people who are having victory in their lives morally.

Before you follow the crowd or listen to anyone, have a good hard look at their lives. Be sure of how peaceful and productive they are as well as what they say. Your life will be just like the people you listen to, if you listen to foolish people who have nothing to show for their lives (people who have bad habits and vices, no home, no job, wasted talents, awkward talents, of bad reputation in the community, and many others), you will become just like them.

Associate with people whose lives are a reflection of what is lovely, true, good, pure, of good reputation and virtuous, who make wise use of money and possessions, and have steadfast of purpose in their lives. It is no secret that we become like the people we associate with the most.

One thing that stands out in my mind regarding friends is a warning to all young girls; avoid friends who dress carelessly, lack courtesy, awkward in talents, who do not have prospects or goals and ambition in life and to cap it all, friend who are not Godly. Though, you can through love for others, put the ones who are ready to make a change right by your modesty. This will save you many heartaches.

Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for others and be contented with people God has already placed in your life, such as sisters, brothers, parents, grandparents who are living right. These people can often provide you with a rich and meaningful social life.