It has been three days since you left a voicemail message asking your friend to call you, and you haven’t heard a word. You reject the notion that she doesn’t like you anymore, and choose to believe she must bereally busy with important and exciting things.
Congratulations! You chose optimism over pessimism, and will probably live longer for it.
Optimism has been shown to improve the quality of life (yours and those around you), and several studies have linked optimism with longevity. In fact, a recently concluded 10-year study showed that pessimistic men were twice as likely to experience angina and heart attack as optimistic men. Twice! And that’s independent of all other health-related factors.
Optimists often have more friends. Think about it. Would you rather hang out with a doom-and-gloomer, or with someone who always sees the opportunity and potential in life’s circumstances? That’s why optimists tend to get hired before pessimists.
While some people naturally view the glass as half-full, optimism turns out to be a learned behavior. You can choose an optimistic response to the events that come your way.
I encourage you to invest in yourself and see how optimistic you really are. It could turn out to be an important step in improving the quality of your life.
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